Irrigation for Property Managers and Stratas
When you call University Sprinklers, you speak with our professional, front-line office personnel, not someone’s voicemail or pager. For busy property managers or strata council members, this is an important advantage to working with University Sprinklers. Scheduling appointments and servicing is hassle-free and professional.
Strata Council Meetings
If your councils are considering installing an irrigation system, or if they are looking at landscaping lighting, our salesmen will gladly attend a council meeting to present the various options available to strata councils and property managers. For more information, or to talk to a salesman, contact us at your earliest convenience!
Landscape Lighting Adds Security and Prevents Vandalism
University Sprinklers understands the pressure that Property Managers face in their day to day dealings. Both our Sales and Service teams have worked over the years with Property Managers on a myriad of issues.
Combating Vandalism
One of the biggest concerns we hear is vandalism, and how it can be controlled or even prevented. At University Sprinklers, we advise installing pop up heads vs. riser sticks in vandalism-prone sites. Also, we advise you to run the system early in the morning only, when no one is around. Sometimes just adjusting watering times to times when there is less foot traffic has reduced the amount of vandalism enormously. University Sprinklers has even installed vandalism deterrent systems at some vandalism-prone sites.
Increasing Security
We have also designed and installed landscape lighting as a means of reducing vandalism and beefing up security. Well-placed lighting not only acts as a security measure, it also enhances your landscaping!
Remote Site Monitoring Provides Peace of Mind
If you are one of University Sprinklers weather-based irrigation clients, we also offer remote monitoring of larger sites! We can install a remote-sensing system that allows us to control and monitor your site from our office. Not only do you get the water savings of weather-based data, but you also have the security of knowing we can detect problems remotely and dispatch technicians before on-site damage can occur.
We can detect “high-flow events”, such as pipe breaks due to vandalism, before major property damage happens. We can also detect system failures such as wire damage during construction that fails to operate a control valve. Our system can detect this “low-flow event” before the landscape suffers from lack of water. Contact Us for details!
Look No Further. Get Started Today. Call 604-421-4555.