Lower Mainland: 604-421-4555 | Van Isle: 250-797-1344 |  Sunshine Coast: 604-741-6207 | office@universitysprinklers.com | 中文

Lower Mainland: 604-421-4555 | Van Isle: 250-797-1344 | Sunshine Coast: 604-741-6207   office@universitysprinklers.com | 中文

Hey! We have a brand new website. We sure hope you like it! Our old site had a lot of great content, but as all websites do over time, it was becoming a little unwieldy. We wanted to rethink how we organized our information, to make it easier for folks like you to find what you are looking for. We’ve also moved to a new, faster internet provider, so our pages will load more quickly for you. We hope you like it!

New USSI site