Irrigation Winterization Has Started
If you are a University Sprinklers client then you have likely already been contacted by our office, or you will be shortly, regarding your seasonal “blow out”. Blow outs are the most important thing we do every year to safeguard your irrigation system!
What Is An Irrigation Blow Out? Why Is It Important?
A blow out is an annual winterization service of your irrigation system. In addition to turning the water supply to the irrigation off, we use an industrial air compressor to force all the water through and out of your sprinkler pipes, valves, connections and heads, so when winter hits, your system doesn’t freeze. Fall Winterization is a strongly recommended service that ensures your system is protected against freeze damage during the winter. It mitigates the risk of costly cold weather-related repairs. This service is generally completed by mid-November each year. Usually no home or timer access is needed, so in most cases we don’t interrupt your busy lives!
So when you see our guys come around in their University Sprinklers van, towing that fancy air compressor contraption, give them a wave and a thumbs up!
Can I Do My Own Blow Out?
Do you have an industrial air compressor? An air compressor is a machine which forcefully pushes air through a pipe. It is used to blast all the water through your irrigation pipes, valves, and connections, and out the sprinkler heads. Air compressors can be expensive, and not surprisingly, most home owners don’t own one. Therefore, we recommend you let us winterize your sprinkler system for you.
Not Already A Blow Out Customer?
If you are not already a University Sprinklers customer, we would love to make you one! Give our office a call at 604-421-4555, email us at, or book an appointment online here, and we will make arrangements to winterize your system for you.